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Saturday, April 20, 2013

[Review] Minecraft

     Hey Guys! Rocky here with a review on the famous game Minecraft! Alot of people call this game nerdy but in reality it isn't. It's super fun and 10,194,847+ people who bought the game can't disagree. So without further adue let's get started.

     First of all, Minecraft was created by Mojang™. Mojang is a indie game creator in based Stockholm,Sweden. But of course they do sometimes move offices.Minecraft is available on almost every platform. You can buy it on your Xbox 360 , PC , Mac , iOS Device ,  and Android device. Sorry PlayStation Players , but Sony denied the offer for Minecraft on PlayStation. Mojang has 23 workers which you can view here.  Over 10 million people have bought the game on all platforms and Minecraft gets alot of updates so you won't over get bored on Minecraft. Now for what we're gonna be talking about next , Minecraft and where to buy it.

    Minecraft is a game based on blocks. So as long as you have 512+ Mb of RAM you're good to play. Minecraft also consists of options to mod or change your game. Such as changing the brightness or adding Minimap to your screen. All mods you can download from The Official Minecraft Forum. Minecraft is an extremely fun game that has 2 main game-modes. (Yes there are others but they're not used as much) Survival and Creative. In Survival mode you start with nothing and work to survive in Minecraft. Survival mode is alot of fun because if you're working to build a mansion or something it will require alot of work and it's really fun to go mining , chop down trees , build houses , make cool structures , and even interact with villagers and fight off creatures of the night! If you ever get bored of Minecraft just go on the Minecraft Forum and add a mod to your game. Continue the journey with a castle mod or even a water mod! In Creative mode you start off with all the items in the game , monsters can't hurt you , and you can build whatever you want in the beginning without worrying about looking for resources.

   Minecraft is also fun because you can play with friends! In Minecraft you can go on someones server and play with other people. (Which is medium difficulty now. If you want to set one up just tweet me, I will help)
In a server you also get the ability to ban or kick people that you don't want on your server. If you have your own server you can play with friends after school and maybe build a huge mansion together! Also if you get a bukkit server you can add mods for everyone. Let's just say no one at your school has Minecraft but your brother does. Just go into a Minecraft SinglePlayer game and click "Open to LAN" then he and anyone else on your internet can join your game instantly! On xbox you can simply just invite someone to your game and boom they can join! On a iOS or Android device just click "Join Game" and make sure the owner of the game has it set so other people can join.

   One of my favorite features for Minecraft is the mobs. Mobs are enemies that spawn around the world and try to kill you if you're in survival. I also like the friendly mobs which don't attack you but you can keep and get resources like eggs , milk , mushroom soup, etc. I like the enemy mobs because I love seeing them walk into a trap of mine into a river that the drown in. Then I can collect whatever they dropped such as gunpowder,string, Ender Pearl, etc. Then you can use those to make homes or special decorations.

   You can view minecraft at minecraft.net. You can purchase it at https://minecraft.net/store. Minecraft is $26.95 for PC , (1600 MSP) $20.00 on Xbox , and about $10.00 on iOS and Android. But don't worry. Once you buy Minecraft you get all updates for free and you get to keep it forever. Even if your computer crashes you can redownload minecraft. Anyways if you have trouble surviving the first time you play check out Paulsoaresjr's Survive and Thrive Series. Make sure you start on Season 2 because Season 1 was during Beta 1.8 and Beta 1.8 doesn't have as much items as Minecraft does now in 1.5.
Anyways, Thank you guys for reading and please leave feedback/comment down below because this was my first 6+ paragraph review! So anyways Rocky out!

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