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Thursday, April 18, 2013

[Home] Best ways to be more efficient at home or work.

   Hey Guys! Rocky here with another post for you guys. In this post I will talk about the best ways to be more efficient at home or work! I will go over some really awesome tips and some advice you should know and alot more. So without further adue let's get started!

Efficiency Chart - @2013 - Rocky55119

  1. Plan out your day.

    You have probably heard this alot. But let's face it, it's true. When you wake up in the morning while you are eating breakfast or getting dressed plan out what you will do that morning. It will help alot! Since you already planned your day out as soon as you get done with something you can continue you and keep using your time wisely without sitting there and thinking , "What will I do next?"

   2. Take breaks in between.

     Taking breaks in between helps your brain recharge and rethink. Let's say you had to work on taxes , take a break every once in a while. You can't do your taxes properly if you have been spending alot of time without allowing your brain to recharge and relax.  This is probably one of the most easiest and most useful tip.

    3. Make sure your top priority tasks are done first.

      I cannot stress this enough! Make sure your top priority tasks are done FIRST! Lets stay one day you had 2 tests and 3 paragraphs to write. Lets also say the test was due at the end of the day and the paragraphs were due by the end of the week. What would you do first? Yes do the tests first! You can work on those paragraphs later , the tests are due by the end of the day! Once you get done with the tests then work on the paragraphs and you will already have a head start on them.

   4. Multitask (If you're able to)

       Multitasking can help alot! (If you're able to) Multitasking is doing 2 things at once , so if you easily get distracted then Multitasking might not be for you. If you decide to multitask work on one huge thing then work on a little thing during breaks. (Example: Working on College homework and in between breaks work on a S.A question) Multitasking can speed up your time alot. But if you're not good at doing 2 things at once , don't multitask. You can mess up and put the wrong ideas etc into the homework or whatever your job is.

      Well , That's it! I hope these tips will help you be more efficient at home or work and please leave a comment below if they did! Anyways have a great rest of your day and as always be awesome.

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