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Sunday, April 7, 2013

[Black Ops 2] TranZit Co-Op Strategy

    Hey Guys! Rocky55119 here with a Black Ops 2 TranZit Co-Op Strategy. In this strategy I will tell you some great tips , tricks , and good facts along the way. So without further adue let's get started.

    First when you spawn in you will want to build the turbine. The turbine is EXTREMELY USEFUL.
It can recharge the bus driver , power perk-a-cola machines , open the door to pack-a-punch ,-  distract zombies ,and to teleport around the map. So keep the turbine. Now once you build the turbine use it to open the door to your right. Just place it down and the door will open. Take any part that is inside of there and add it to the bus. [Refer here to learn how to upgrade the bus fully: Click Me!]

   Now here is where things get dicey, You have two options, the first one being to stay on the bus and go to the diner. (Mystery Box) Your second option would be to teleport to the power station and turn on the power first. So I will write both of them and you pick one.

If you picked to stay on the bus and go to the diner then this part is for you. If not skip down to the break, Alright once you arrive to the diner you may open the door to the garage. Once you do that you can open the Mystery Box , Make the zombie shield ,buy Speed Cola , and add the second part to the bus. Please note that Speed Cola won't be functional until the power is turned on. To get the second part check the video in the second paragraph. [To make the zombie shield refer here: Click Me!] Please note if you use the zombie shield you have to drop your turbine. So maybe appoint someone with the zombie shield or the turbine.

If you picked to turn the power on first then this part is for you! Once you turn the power on you will have to deal with *scary music please* Electric Man! Not kidding but later in this Strategy I will give you some tips to deal with him. But don't worry yet Electric man only comes out on rounds 8+ so you're safe.  Also in order for any perks to work you will need to turn the power on. So if you went to the diner first then the power room then there are different factors. If you went to the diner first you may be on round 5. If you use the Denizen teleporting feature then you should be on round 2 or 1. [Refer here to learn how to teleport with the Denizens: Click Me!][Also note that you need the turbine to turn the green lights on] Now let's get into the power room. There are 3 parts, a zombie arm , a electric box ,and a lever. They're easy to find but if you are having a hard time finding them refer here: Click Me!.Once you turn the power on wait for it to turn on all the way then on your right a door will open. Go up the railing , jump over the gap , and hop down and you will be outside. You can buy an AK74u just incase you run out of ammo then you can wait or get in the bus.
       Now the next stop is town. Here you can deposit or withdraw points , buy juggernog , make the pack-a-punch (To make the pack-a-punch is a bit difficult so for those reasons I won't put a guide but you can just search a guide up if you are a really good player), and the table to make the Jet Gun is here. Now you should open the door when you get off the bus , throw a grenade at the vault door , and deposit/withdraw points depending on how much you have. After that go out of the bank and go right to the staircase. Buy the door at the top and Juggernog is inside. I would buy juggernog because when you get to those higher levels there are alot of zombies so with Juggernog making it so you only need 6 hits to go down instead of 2 is really useful. After this you can hop onto the bus and go back to the bus depot. Now you can go in and buy quick revive after this hop back onto the bus and take off again.

       Now depending on what round you're on you might hear alot of thunder. Then the bus might stop and electric man might be right there. He does come back about every 4 rounds so be careful. There are quite a few ways to kill him but note shooting him is wasting your time. Your first and easiest option is to throw an EMP grenade at him. This will instantly kill him and may kill the bus driver. Just pull out the Turbine and place it next to him and once he turns it back on you can take the turbine back. Your second option is to kill him with the galvaknuckles. But these are 6,000 points and are located on the roof of the diner so they aren't the easiest to obtain. If you don't have any of these then just keep knifing him. He will eventually die.

    Congratulations, If you did all these steps you are now good at slaying huge hordes of zombies and owning TranZit the map. Now it's up to you. You can stay on the bus, build the pack-a-punch or build the jet gun. Just search those up on YouTube so you can see how to do it instead of me telling you in words.
Thank you for reading my TranZit Co-Op strategy and please leave your feedback below.

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