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Tuesday, March 26, 2013

My thoughts on Barrack Obama

Hey Guys! Rocky55119 here with my thoughts on Barrack Obama. First off , I really like Barrack Obama as a president of the United States of America. He's a great guy. I really like that he supports gay marriage.(even thought he and I are straight) He believes people should be happy! I also like Obama Care. I don't exactly know what it does fully, but I know it has helped alot of people. It has really made hospitals work hard. Before Barrack Obama was president I was having to pay so much if I went to the E.R (emergency room). They wouldn't even give me a 5 star service. Now with ObamaCare the hospitals have to act efficient and stop spreading so much treatments out. Overall after Obama Care my mom has gotten alot better. (She's been through alot of pain. Alot of other medical issues but Privacy Issues). I really think Barrack Obama is a really good man. He is also a very good Role Model because he was an honor roll student when he went to school and played basketball. (My favorite sport) Those are my thoughts on Barrack Obama. Please let me know what your thoughts are on Barrack Obama in the comment section below.

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