1. SharpShooter
Now this is a kind of obvious one but if you are friends with me on xbox then you might be aware that I often leave games of TDM or Kill Confirmed because someone is using a gun that is better then mine. In sharpshooter everyone gets the same gun, so you don't have to worry about getting stomped on by a Rapid Fire Peacekeeper. Another reason I like this gamemode is because it's everyone against everyone. So basicly you don't have to worry about random teammates giving off your position or something like that. Another reason I like this game-mode alot is because you can level up fast, in a small game session. SharpShooter is a party game, so it's only 5 minutes long. Also because of all the people in the map and the good weapons you are always gonna get atleast 2,000 XP. If you're good at Black Ops 2 you can get around 7,000 XP.
2. Demolition
Now this is kind of unexpected. It's not a game-mode you see alot of people saying they like. But I really enjoy this game-mode because it's basicly search and destroy with unlimited lives, and alot of XP. In demolition I really find it fun to use a sniper and defend the bomb spot, or rush in with a Vector K10 and plant the bomb. I also use really high score-streaks because you always know where the enemy team is gonna be. They're gonna be by the bomb. They aren't gonna be rushing around like they're playing TDM unless they're a slayer. I also like Demolition because the gamemode usually lasts long, and you can get tons of XP from guarding the bomb,planting the bomb, killing enemies while someone is planting the bomb. It's just so fun! I also enjoy the huge amount of score-streaks everybody puts out. I mean I made a class with the vector k10, the FHJ-18 or whatever it is called, and EMP Grenades. With perks such as Ghost,Scavenger, Tactical Mask, and Flak Jacket. This is an insanely overpowered class that you can use to get alot of points by shooting down all of the enemy score streaks. The feature I like most about Demolition is that it's fast paced. It's not like Search and Destroy were the enemy is slowing creeping to the bomb.
Well, Those are my favorite game-modes to play on Black Ops 2. I hope you guys try these game-modes out and leave a comment below on how you think of them. Also if you are interested in anymore game-modes that you want to suggest for me I will be sure to try them out! Thanks for reading and have a great rest of your day!
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