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Friday, March 29, 2013

[Review] Review for the Samsung Galaxy S3

Hey! Rocky55119 here with a review on the Samsung Galaxy S3!
First off I would like to thank Samsung for making this product because it it one of the best phones I have ever used. Second this phone would be a great gift for anyone. I found this phone has a big battery life if you go to work or school,It's easy to find apps and the internet feature is one of the best mobile internet apps I have used.
       Alright first off my initial opinion about this phone.
I think from a scale from one to ten I would say a nine. I say a nine because at first it was really difficult to navigate around, and its hard to turn the power on unless you are extremely strong. Those were the only bad things about the phone. All the nine stars I gave were from the great performance. It was absolutely brilliant that the starting screen. It has a great picture , tells you the time and date, and says in small print "Swipe Screen To Unlock" so you can see most of the picture. I also like the compatibility with alot of the good phone providers for example Sprint. I love using sprint for the unlimited data use, and the Samsung S3 is compatible with sprint. Relating to the phone providers it has a nice feature on the phone that tells you how much data you are using and you can set a limit so when you do go over the limit it alerts you. (How can that affect me? Well so you don't have to pay as much) Another feature I like is the ability to have the weather feature in the middle always opened so you can swipe it right and kaboom, you know the weather. I also like the ability to place the apps anywhere, not just in certain spots anywhere. Alright now onto safety discussion. I love the safe mode feature. If any of you have jailbroken an iOS device you know that when you jailbreak it there is a safe mode if something goes wrong. I love that feature on the S3 because sometimes ads pop up and I get taken to a website LOADED WITH VIRUSES! Then the safe mode prevents the virus from working and that feature is just absolutely a brilliant feature to have on a mobile phone. Now lets move onto the camera ratings. With the camera I would give it a 5 star rating because the camera works so well in dim areas. It's almost scary how well it works. Also I love the feature where if you put the phone up to your face (for example if your talking to someone on the phone) then the light turns off so you don't have this bright light in your face and having to shut your right or left eye. I also like the face passcode feature where if you look at the phone then it can unlock. Well there are many great features with the Samsung S3 and I would recommend buying it and trying it out yourself. I went over the main features but you should try the phone out and find a feature that may be able to help you in your daily life. Leave a comment in the comment section below if you went out to buy the phone and tell me if this review was good enough or if this review was terrible! Anyways have a great rest of your day and Rocky55119 out!

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